Category Archives: Artifacts

Museum Image Archive Project

I’ve been working on a large project: scanning images, slides, and negatives from the museum archives. I’ve had help from Kathy, Nancy and Barbara on this, and the results so far are very good.

These images will be stored as large digital files and from these we will be making slideshows for museum visitors to view on a large 40-inch screen.

Of course there’s a lot more work to be done besides the scanning. We will be entering all of these into a searchable database, and also sharing them with the Pueblo County Historical Society. We will take any information we can that was written on the images and slides, but we will also be asking Nell and former CSH employees for help in identifying any of the people, locations, and objects in the photos.

Here’s a couple images that have already been scanned (in low-resolution for web posting):

WPA Project building tunnels in 1934
Incredible image of the South campus with the North campus in the distance.
One of the “trains” they delivered food with in the tunnels.
Cutting-edge computer tech, for the period….

That last one is particularly interesting to me, having been a computer science teacher. That’s an IBM 1401 computer, which had some pretty interesting properties. The internet is full of love for old machines like these, and it’s pretty easy to find emulators so you can try programming one yourself. Here’s a closeup of the panel from a Wikipedia article on the 1401:

Restored and operating IBM 1401 computer at the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, CA. Photo taken November 3, 2007.

Designing a Logo

Today at the museum we worked on designing a logo. We started with a photograph of one of our heavy iron gate insignias. These used to be on the 13th street entrance to the Asylum.

Colorado State Insane Asylum Gate Insignia

We like how these look, and used GIMP and Inkscape to produce an SVG version. Mostly we were just kind of seeing what we could come up with in just an hour or so. We’ll need something simpler for a small web logo, but are using it for now. The results would look good on a Tshirt design.

Vector Graphics version of CSIA Museum logo.